
The ME Program Design and Learning Objectives

The ME Program is composed of THREE BUILDING BLOCKS and FIVE LEARNING DOMAINS. Modules 1 to 3 have a duration of approximately six months each with a predominant theme for each module:

Module 1: Preparing for Entrepreneurship and Self-Enhancement

This module is the foundation that provides participants the basics of entrepreneuring, management and strategic planning in tandem with the essential Self-Mastery skills of Learning to Think and Learning to Intuit. At the end of Module 1, the student-entrepreneurs are required to pull their findings, analyses and conclusions together for their study of the external environment in the business plan.

Module 2: Creating and Running the Enterprise and Self-Engagement

The action-implementation thrust of Module 2 develops the most appropriate and relevant personal skills such as Learning to Do, Learning to Feel, and Learning to Communicate. The student-entrepreneur is introduced to new product development and evaluating new businesses. The module concentrates on strategy implementation and on all basic and advanced management courses such as Marketing, Operations, Human Resource Management and Managing Costs and Profits. At the end of Module 2, the student-entrepreneurs must be ready to consolidate their research, findings, analyses and conclusions for their comprehensive Internal Assessment (IA) of their enterprises using the ten levels of IA.

Module 3: Growing the Enterprise and Self-Enlightenment

Module 3 brings the student-entrepreneurs to the higher plane of entrepreneurship, one that breaks new ground and shifts paradigms, one that masterfully turns around enterprises on the decline, and one that grows businesses by leaps and bounds. The module challenges the entrepreneur to assume the role of an enlightened leader armed with the convergence of the six self-mastery skills otherwise known as the Learning to Be series. It also integrates the entire strategizing process by completing the research, planning, programming, and implementing sequence. Finally, the student-entrepreneurs are expected to submit their completed five-year business plans.

Each module is further dissected into five learning domains. The domains are the five thematic pillars of the ME course. These are the:

  • Entrepreneuring Domain
  • Self-Mastery Domain
  • Functional Management Domain
  • Strategic Planning and Management Domain
  • Business Plan Domain

These domains will be strategically sequenced within each module, as their various topics and sub-topics become prequels to the preparation of the module’s integrative work, which is, the submission of components of and the whole Business Plan.







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