Economics, Finance and Accounting Department

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Geminn Louis C Apostol, MD-MBA

Economics, Finance and Accounting

MSc in Global Public Health, Queen Mary University of London

Dr. Gelo Apostol is a physician, educator, and researcher specializing in Environmental Public Health and Climate-Resilient Health Systems. He concurrently serves as a technical advisor to the Philippine Inter-Agency Committee on Environmental Health (IACEH) where he helps convene governments, academia, and civil society, towards generating evidence, developing policies, and operationalizing programs for the protection of public and planetary health. Over the past decade, Dr. Apostol has led national, regional, and international environmental health initiatives—from developing the Philippines’ National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP 2030), establishing the Philippine One Health Action Plan, building evidence on the impact of climate change on infectious diseases, mainstreaming air pollution control strategies, and raising public awareness on the health impacts of environmental toxicants. Dr. Apostol received his double degree in Doctor of Medicine and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health and Ateneo Graduate School of Business (Class Valedictorian, Batch 2016). He completed his MSc in Global Public Health from Queen Mary University of London, and completing his PhD at James Cook University Australia. He is also a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at George Washington University, an Environment and Sustainable Development fellow of the US Department of State, and a scholar and Post-Graduate fellow at Murdoch University – Australia, specializing in One Health.


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