Student Announcements

Policy on the Date of Graduation and Graduation Clearance

06 August, 2020

MEMO FOR : The AGSB Community

FROM : The AGSB Office of the Registrar

SUBJECT : Policy on the Date of Graduation and Graduation Clearance

Date of Graduation

This policy pertains to the Date of Graduation (DOG) as can be seen in the student’s
records, including the Transcript of Record among other credentials. This does not
pertain to the date of commencement exercises.

The DOG will be recorded the soonest the student complies with all the academic
requirements (i.e., the student officially received a final grade for all courses required as
can be seen in the School’s Information System).

If this has been complied with before the succeeding trimester starts, the DOG will be
the date of the End of Classes of the trimester where it falls. Else, if compliance comes
after the succeeding trimester has started, the DOG will be the End of Classes’ date of
that trimester.


Graduation Clearance

A Graduation Clearance may be secured by a student the soonest s/he completes all the
academic requirements (i.e., the student officially received a final grade for all courses
required as can be seen in the School’s Information System).

Only upon completion and receipt of the final graduation clearance will the Office of the
Registrar issue copies of diplomas, transcripts, certificates of completion, and transfer

This policy shall take effect starting 3rd Trimester, AY 2019-2020.

Ateneo Professional Schools.


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