Operations and Information Technology Department
Edgar F. Legaspi, MBA
Operations and Information Technology
Master in Business Administration
Edgar Legaspi is currently a faculty member of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business (AGSB) handling Management Science within the Operations cluster. He has a long standing association with the AGSB faculty since 1975. Ed earned an MBA degree from AGSB in 1975 and earlier a Chemical Engineering degree (cum laude) from De La Salle. Though now retired, his corporate life centered in the energy industry in the fields of IT (55%), Corporate Planning (24%), Logistics (16%), and Controllership (5%). He saw the evolution of IT from punched cards, basic AL and mainframes to PCs, spreadsheets, the Internet, networks, VSAT, email, e-commerce, Y2K, ERP, Google, BCP, POS, B2B, and shared services. He pushed for the development of mathematical models for investment decisions, cash flow analysis, strategic planning, financial planning, product pricing, supply optimization, product distribution and manpower scheduling. He found it very rewarding to have defended the company’s position in front of the oil price hearing board, government officials, labor groups and students. Ed was a member of the Philippine Computer Society and the Corporate Planning Society of the Philippines. He is the current editor of the Techne student journal and was President of the AGSB Alumni Association. He takes pride in having been to 47 countries (a third of planet Earth) and counting.